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Don't Wait Healthy Eating For General Wellness

Healthy eating is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall wellness.  In fact, when most experts talk about how to stay healthy, they list two things before anything else. They say eat right and exercise, usually in that order.  So eating a healthy diet may be the most important thing you can to do to keep your body fit and avoid illness and disease. One example many people give about healthy eating is the idea that our bodies are like cars.  What you put in the car determines how well it runs.  You’re not going to get your car very far down the road if you use the wrong kind of gas, or not gas at all.  So eating the wrong kinds of foods, or worse, not eating at all, isn’t going to get your body very far, either. Most people know the kinds of foods they’re supposed to eat for a healthy body, and the kind they’re supposed to eat to lose weight, if they’re overweight. Almost anyone can look at two breakfast options, for example, and understand which is cons

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