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This burns 95.1% more fat than walking (and takes LESS time)...

Seems every doctor and wristband gadget-maker is trying to get us all to walk more. But there's a dirty little secret those expensive gadget-makers DON'T want you to know: Walking IS great for health and reducing stress... but it's terrible for fat loss as the study below shows. And it's especially ineffective at eliminating that stubborn flab that clings to our worst trouble spots. It just doesn't deliver enough of a metabolic stimulus to get your fat burning hormones working! Yes, when you walk a large % of calories burned is fat. But because walking is so low intensity, the OVERALL amount of calories burned is low, so the total amount of fat burned barely registers. Plus, the moment you stop walking, your metabolism goes back to sleep and you stop burning calories. So unless you have 3-5 hours a day to walk 10,000 - 20,000 steps or more, that's not gonna cut it! Wouldn't it be better if your metabolism kept burning fat for 24 - 48 hours af

Exercise For Skinny People to JUST 33 seconds

Have you ever taken the time to evaluate how YOUR specific metabolism operates the best? And whether your exercise (and eating) regimen is ideally suited for YOUR metabolic type? WARNING: If not, that's a HUGE mistake that could be forcing you to put on weight, aging you faster and robbing you of the opportunity to operate at your peak fat burning potential. Here's why: 1) Everyone's metabolism is unique. That's why your best friend may lose weight with one exercise strategy, but it fails to move the scale for YOU. In fact, a recent study showed up to a 20% difference in how a person's metabolism responds to the same diet and exercise. 2) Your metabolism changes over time. What you did when you were 20 to stay in shape isn't appropriate when you're 35+. How your body responds to exercise is different. Studies show after you turn 20, your daily calorie burn DECREASES by 150 calories per decade!!! 3) Your metabolism adapts. When you star

Don't Wait Healthy Eating For General Wellness

Healthy eating is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall wellness.  In fact, when most experts talk about how to stay healthy, they list two things before anything else. They say eat right and exercise, usually in that order.  So eating a healthy diet may be the most important thing you can to do to keep your body fit and avoid illness and disease. One example many people give about healthy eating is the idea that our bodies are like cars.  What you put in the car determines how well it runs.  You’re not going to get your car very far down the road if you use the wrong kind of gas, or not gas at all.  So eating the wrong kinds of foods, or worse, not eating at all, isn’t going to get your body very far, either. Most people know the kinds of foods they’re supposed to eat for a healthy body, and the kind they’re supposed to eat to lose weight, if they’re overweight. Almost anyone can look at two breakfast options, for example, and understand which is cons

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